Welcome to Lizards Awesome Website V1!

Update Log

This is a log of all the updates done to my sites! This log will be updated regularly


  • Added a Chatbox in the homepage
  • Added the Mini-Blog archive to quicklinks
  • Updated homepage Text
  • More to come soon


  • Updated the Update Log to now show the Newest Update at the top instead of at the bottom, i dont know what I was thinking before..
  • added a counter to track how many visits my site is getting! Once the forums are made i plan on adding one to show active users.
  • Created an archive for mini-blogs, it can be found HERE
  • Added & Moved around blinkies and new buttons
  • Other small changes not worth noting


  • Added a button that takes user to my brothers GoFundMe to the NavBar, I would appreciate if you were to share around the link or make a donation if possible.
  • Added a few more buttons/blinkies to the site
  • Made minor changes to the way blinkies and button are arranged
  • Updated the "Mini Update log" to be a Mini Blog, it will now display a new message whenever I update it.
  • Other smaller changes not worth noting/remembering


  • added lots of blinkies, stamps and other decals to spice up the sites
  • started working on the forums
  • pretty much finished all the pages, except forums


  • Created website homepage
  • Created website contact page
  • Created websties update log page