Welcome to Lizards Awesome Website V1!

Welcome to Lizards Awesome Website!

This is my first ever website!

I am brand new to HTML and CSS and generally web coding as a whole, so I ask that if you somehow stumble upon my website, you cut me some slack should you find anything strange going on.

I am currently a senior in high school, which means updates for the website will be slow, but once I graduate, I will try to push out and do as much with my sites as possible.

If you would like to chat with me directly, you can always reach me through my Discord Server.

I have a lot planned for my website in the future so stay tuned!

For now, that is all I have to say! I will update this website whenever possible. Thank you for taking the time to read this all. I hope you have a great day, and remember to check in for updates.

Important announcement

Hello, I don't think that my website is getting much traction anymore, though I have broken 1k+ visits. I ask that if you see this, you please share my brothers GoFundMe. The link to it can be found in the navigation bar or by clicking HERE. Both me and my family would be so grateful for any amount that you can donate, even if it is just 1 dollar. Anything helps. Even if you can't donate, I kindly ask that you share the link wherever you can. More about my brother and his story can be found in the GoFundMe's description.

Consider adding my button to your website to help spread the word